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Technology provides different look for Lawrence County Board of Education July meeting

LOUISA- The Lawrence County Board of Education’s Regular Monthly Meeting had a different look on Monday night. Mrs. Garnett Skaggs, Mrs. Maddlene Roberts, Mrs. Barbara Robinson, and Mr. Jim See were in attendance, and for the first time since permitted by law, one of the Board members, Mr. Heath Preston, joined via video conference. As required, the audience could see and hear Mr. Preston through the use of a Google video-conferencing application while he provided input and/or voted on each agenda item.

After approving Vice-Chair Mrs. Garnett Skaggs to conduct the meeting, the Board listened as Dr. Robbie Fletcher provided information on the upcoming personalized learning opportunities for teachers, summer trainings for principals, progress on KDE’s review of the district facilities plan, and the opening of the new school year.

The meeting continued with the Board approving the consent agenda, accepting the Steele-Reese Grant ($10,000) for Blaine Elementary, and reviewing the new vision statement:

Lawrence County Schools

“ALL IN” for building relationships to personalize learning that inspires, challenges, and equips students to dream, to persist, and to succeed.

According to Dr. Fletcher, the vision statement was developed with input from several stakeholders and with the word “relationships” serving as the foundation for the vision statement. Dr. Fletcher emphasized that successful school districts must have strong relationships with its students, parents, and community members.

Also, in order to compensate for the cuts to preschool funding in the 2018-2019 state budget, the Board approved to apply jointly with Trinity Christian Academy for the 2018-19 Kentucky Department of Education Preschool Partnership Grant. As reported by Preschool Director Rhonda Colvin, this was the best option for restoring the preschool classroom that was lost at Louisa West due to the funding cuts. Unfortunately, the grant will not be awarded until September by KDE and tuition preschool students cannot be accepted unless Lawrence County and Trinity Christian Academy receives the funding through the grant.

The meeting concluded with the Board approving the 2018-2019 Employee, Substitute Teacher, Coaches, and Student Handbooksand with the Board providing the yearly superintendent evaluation orientation. The Board of Education members did not take action on the next steps in the nickel tax process, but the Board will be setting a special meeting in the near future. According to Dr. Fletcher, as a result of petition to recall the nickel tax, the Board must determine if the nickel tax will be placed on the November ballot or if the original approval of the nickel tax will be overturned.

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